I had my oncology checkup and it went horribly sideways to the point I felt just destroyed. I was so upset that when I got home I went to bed and just hid for the balance of the day and night.
I always schedule my GP appointments the following day to oncology. My GP is amazing I explained what happened and how I felt destroyed (yes crying my eyes out). She went through everything with me, what he did and what he said. While this didn’t change anything I still have cancer and I am still on meds every day and there is nothing that can be done, but I don’t feel as destroyed as I did.
The whole process reminded me that as I have bad days at work so can a doctor. It’s just that my bad days don’t impact anyone’s life. When an oncologist says there is nothing we can do to his patient; that is very different to when a cashier or teacher or financial analyst like me says it.
I know all too well what your oncologist says and how he/she says it has a huge impact on your day and on your survival. Don’t let one person’s day mess up your day and or your life. Reach out, find the support you need. It can be anyone! For me and if you know me you know I have mentioned him before but my chiropractor is also an athletic therapist and works out of a gym, so the perfect combo for me; to put my frustration and anger into a positive channel. He has been with me during my whole cancer process even at the finish line of the Ride to Conquer Cancer.
Thank god I have such an amazing support team between my dear friends, GP and my Chiropractor I am alive and kicking. Don’t get me wrong there are days like this past Wednesday when you think all is lost but let yourself find a way out, give yourself a pass and move forward.