Thursday, August 11, 2016

Heart and Soul

This past week has been eventful; I can’t thank people enough for all the wonderful birthday wishes and encouraging support for my Ride to Conquer Cancer. The messages encouragement and support were over whelmingly wonderful. 

Last week was a big week; first I was called back for more tests, I know gross. As a cancer survivor the risk of “it” returning is on your mind all the time. My last oncology appointment he said you can’t worry about that and walked away. Yah Thanks Not worrying about it, is not really an option.  

I went in for a routine x-ray for a different issue and lucky me it came back with issues and the radiologist won’t sign off on my x-rays and wants more tests done. Which is fine but I get the call from the doctor’s office we need to see you now. I ask if I can make appointment for next week they tell me no he wants to see you today. Ok fine, I go in and in my x-ray there is a problem and now they want a bone scan ASAP. Because I will never be cancer free everything looks suspect and everything is questioned, in hind sight is good I guess. Any way had all the tests done and now I wait. Trying not to worry (hahaha) 

Fortunately, this past weekend was the Ride to Conquer Cancer and there is no better way to spend time worrying about cancer returning than with a large group of people trying to beat cancer with you. 

This year we had 1402 riders. I swear every single one of them had words of encouragement for me. This is my community and I couldn’t be more proud of them. The volunteers are just wonderful, all their time and energy to help all of us be successful makes my heart sing. 

Then there is the Alberta Cancer Foundation; they are so amazing I can actually say I owe my life to them. I have a place so full of positive words and hugs it is just the best. The money we raise from the ride to goes help people like me in Alberta. They fund research here. So not only are they funding research here they are actually researching my type of cancer here which is pretty cool. Research is making huge strides every day. So the weekend was a huge success and Monday, I found out that the cancer has not spread. 

One very happy camper here! And yes I am signed up for next years ride, lucky #9