Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Why Me

I wrote this last week I was trying to get accepted to an Amercian course on being a Cancer Advocate.  I didn't get selected but I am not quitting.  Tomorrow I see the surgeon for the next step to try and beat cancer at it's own game.

This is my note on why me...

I have just launched my own company "I Will Fight For Me" (while still working full-time as Compliance & Control Analyst) I have breast cancer and deeply involved in trying to help other cancer survivors get stronger.  I want to be a better stronger advocate.  I have been lucky enough to be a spokesperson for the Alberta Cancer Foundation and the ride to conquer cancer.  To create awareness and to build funds to go toward research.  I want to do more and I there is a huge gap I can help fill.
Breast Cancer is a very emotional issue and I think if I knew more about the science will be a better advocate.  To be able to speak to and about the science of breast cancer would increase our audience.  To be a strong advocate you need emotion and science working together to create a better voice. I need to be able to understand more to be able to speak to more.

I have been fighting breast cancer for 3 years and know first-hand how much we still need to understand to then be-able to treat and then prevent and cure.  I have been though surgery (still waiting for more) chemo, radiation, and still on meds for 5 more years. I believe in talking about what scares us. When you bring things into the light and talk they become less scary and now you can see what still needs to be done. We need to reduce fear and increase education awareness and research.  I believe I have a strong voice and can speak to what really happens.


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